
Web Speedy help
(Powered by SpeedySoft)

Starup configuration form

This is the atoconfiguration interface.
To install Web Speedy is very easy, you must only copy al the distribution file in the folder of your web server (usualy /var/www/MyWeb).
Open the browser and point to this folder (http://localhost/MyWeb).
At the startup Web Speedy show you the initialization form.

Insert the required parameters, MySql DB Params and the site admin user.
The email configuration is not needed, you can manage it from the properties menĂ¹.

WebSpeedy self generare the database an the basic configuration. From the main page, you can prese the 'Login' link at the top of page to log witn the 'Admin' user of confiurazion (see 'First login' session for more details).